Get involved! Be part of history - meet fellow patriots and gain more like-minded friends!
To become a member of the Republican Party you must join your county party.
Membership provides avenues of action to assist conservative
local, state and federal candidates.
The local level is where your voice can be heard and you can make a difference!
Benefits Of Becoming a Member
Dues help support county party operating expenses
Attend member meetings
Vote at annual caucus and convention
Special events to fundraise, get great candidates elected who are accountable to the people, network and get to know your community
NOTE: Memberships are for the calendar year.
Please download the following form and send it along with your check
(made out to Republican Party of Columbia County or "RPofCC")
to RPofCC - P.O. Box 882, Portage, WI 53901
OR, click the applicable link below the form. PLEASE NOTE that
you do not need a PayPal account to pay via the links.
Simply select "pay with card".